The Conscious Language Newsletter: September 2021

From the World of Conscious Language

Note: The authors’ viewpoints are not necessarily shared by Conscious Style Guide. 

“We can’t allow style guides to be the ultimate deciders of writer morality. We have to ask better of ourselves.”

 6 Tips for Covering COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy | The Journalist’s Resource

Angry pro-vaccine comments “will not motivate other people to get vaccinated and may even have the opposite effect,” says Dr. Cindy Prins, associate professor of epidemiology, University of Florida.

 Guidance on Coverage of Sept. 11, 20 Years Later | Asian American Journalists Association

“To help journalists and newsrooms more accurately and critically cover the commemoration, impacted communities, and policies that resulted from 9/11,” a collaboration of journalists organizations (AMEJA, AAJA, NABJ, and SAJA) provided guidance that includes story tips, commonly misused terms, and help for reporting on Islam and Muslims.

“The words that a news organization chooses to tell a story make a difference…Acknowledging this power and being transparent about those choices is exactly what the Inquirer did the other day.”

“The effort will start by extracting passages like Section 256, which still says that ‘separate schools shall be provided for white and colored children, and no child of either race shall be permitted to attend a school of the other race.’”

New in Conscious Style Guide’s Ethnicity, Race + Nationality section. “We choose not to be reduced to an inaccurate grouping [BAME]. But what we have in common is that we are…‘People who experience racism’. This term will require you to then articulate who you are referring to.”


Skewed cover of WHOLE WHALE is accompanied by two reviews.

“Every time I post an awareness piece on Instagram about my pain, without fail, a personal trainer/life coach/amateur nutritionist will suggest a new diet or supplement to cure my pain.”

Examples include “parent’s milk” instead of “mother’s milk” and “lactating person” instead of “lactating mother.”

“If you type the word ‘stammering’ on an iPhone, the suggested emoji is the ‘woozy’ face, which also comes up for the word ‘drunk.’”

“Recent attempts to make these gender-specific forms more inclusive have resulted in a variety of new, and ever-more imaginative, uses of capital letters and punctuation within the nouns themselves.”

“The best way to be a good ally is to do the work without talking about the work.”

“Starting with the inclusive default ‘they’ is less likely to cause offense than using harmful stereotypes to guess at someone’s pronouns.”

“Put simply, the baggage of Jedi and Star Wars is too heavy to burden our justice-oriented initiatives with and may actually undermine these efforts.”

 CSG in the News 

Conscious Style Guide tops the list of suggested websites for writers.

From the Archives

“Resist automatically replacing victim with survivor. Some victims don’t survive, and some survivors prefer victim.”

In Case You Missed It

How autistic people are showing the limits of first-person language, how misinformation can be addressed without deplatforming, how inclusive communities can be built through conscious storytelling, and more.

Spread the Word About Editors of Color!

The Editors of Color Database, a project of Conscious Style Guide, is a free service that connects employers and recruiters with editors, proofreaders, and sensitivity readers of color in the U.S. and Canada. It’s also free to submit job listings for distribution to our private network of editorial pros. The Editors of Color website is home to the Database of Diverse Databases, now with 100 resources featuring underrepresented communities. Diversify your staff and sources now!

Transparent white strip on top of blood-red background has EDITORS {OF COLOR} knocked out. Below, reads "Tools for Diversifying Your Staff and Sources," followed by

Conscious Language in Fiction

Follow @consciousstyleguide on Instagram for examples of how context can support sensitive content, with a focus on children’s books, including young adult.

A 3x3 grid of Conscious Style Guide's Instagram feed.

Left side: Screenshot of CSG homepage. Right side:

The Conscious Style Guide newsletter rounds up the best news and blog posts from the world of kind, compassionate, mindful, empowering, respectful, and inclusive language. Note: Spotlighting an opinion is not intended as an endorsement. Please send news tips to [email protected].