December 2019 Newsletter

From the World of Conscious Language

Note: The authors’ viewpoints are not necessarily shared by Conscious Style Guide.

“The Boy Scout Oath states, ‘I will’ and the Girl Scout Promise says, ‘I will try’; the Boy Scout Law states, ‘A Scout is…’ and the Girl Scout Law says, ‘I will do my best to be….’”

“In an effort to raise awareness of sign languages and reclaim the sign as their own, sign language communities around the world have been pushing back against the idea that the OK gesture is now reserved for racists.”

“Many outlets have chosen to devote less coverage to perpetrators and more to victims and to the laws and policies that have not prevented these tragedies.”

“Nibling is a gender-neutral term used to refer to a child of one’s sibling as a replacement for ‘niece’ or ‘nephew.’”

 A Language for All | The Washington Post

“Young people are changing the way they speak and write—replacing the masculine ‘o’ or the feminine ‘a’ with the gender-neutral ‘e’ in certain words—in order to change what they see as a deeply gendered culture.”

“With so few venerable women in major roles, a single novel including a new manifestation (say, a crime-solving octogenarian tribble rancher or a trans woman over 50) could completely change the landscape.”

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A dusty-purple fitted T-shirt with a "Make Peace With Words" hand-lettered design.

“The system was therefore less likely to flag black patients as eligible for extra preventive care, simply because less had been spent on their health care in the past.”

“If an employer is using vendor-provided forms, the answer may be as simple as talking with the vendor.”

“The researchers also introduced the Wiki Neutrality Corpus (WNC)…[which] contains 180,000 biased and neutralized sentence pairs along with contextual sentences and metadata harvested from NPOV Wikipedia edits.”

“It’s clear that ‘y’all’ is in a solid place at the right moment in history to make ‘you guys’ vanish.”

“Broad, all-inclusive sweeps are convenient and comfortable—and sometimes, for the sake of progress, we need them—but they can also do great damage.”

A look at gender-neutral terms in seven languages, including Arabic, Hebrew, German, and French.

From the Archives

 Putting Language on Meat-Free Diet | Conscious Style Guide

“Some inclusive-language critics dismiss expressions as just that—harmless expressions. But intended or not, harm is still harm.”

In Case You Missed It

Read about “gifted” education programs, the ways parents unintentionally reinforce class stigma, and tips for writing about students experiencing homelessness and food insecurity.

Looking for an Editor?

The Editors of Color Databasea project of Conscious Style Guide, is a free service that connects employers and recruiters with editors, proofreaders, and sensitivity readers of color in the U.S. and Canada. Also home to the Database of Diverse Databases, now with sixty resources!

Transparent white strip on top of blood-red background has EDITORS {OF COLOR} knocked out. Below, reads "Tools for Diversifying Your Staff and Sources," followed by

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Follow @consciousstyleguide for examples of how context can support sensitive content, with a focus on YA books and kidlit.

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The Conscious Style Guide newsletter rounds up the best news and blog posts from the world of kind, compassionate, mindful, empowering, respectful, and inclusive language. Note: Spotlighting an opinion is not intended as an endorsement. Please send news tips to [email protected].

The post December 2019 Newsletter appeared first on Conscious Style Guide.