May 2019 Newsletter

CSG in the News

“Harmful language is not limited to just being offended or disagreeing with characterisations or communities I’m tied to. It also affects laws that are created, it affects violence and employment, whether you go past your initial stereotypes or biases about an interviewee. It goes so deep, it’s about our lives.” —Karen Yin, founder, Conscious Style Guide

 Why You Should Capitalize Black | Abundant Content

Thanks to Abundant Content for a wonderful description of what makes Conscious Style Guide unique: “The Conscious Style Guide leans more toward the creative and academic and is as much a ‘style guide’ as it is an ongoing conversation about diversity, empowerment, and inclusion. It offers articles and resources for media professionals, creative writers and graphics artists, including links to resources on how to ‘sell diversity’ in your projects, how to spot stereotypes (and avoid them), and this incredible tool for making analogies to explain technology.”

From the World of Conscious Language

Note: The authors’ viewpoints are not necessarily shared by Conscious Style Guide.

“Despite past negative connotation, the word has evolved and a new generation of Mexican-Americans uses pocho with pride to describe themselves.”

“These proposed shifts in language…remind us that there has never been consensus around the terms that should define our complex communities.”

“If we’re able to let go of being ‘one of the good ones,’ we open ourselves to understanding how we’ve impacted others and in doing so we actually strengthen our relationships.” ‏

A guide “to help journalists navigate the ethical dilemmas they encounter as they interview people who have experienced harm.”

“The stock photo they grabbed was of a concentration camp. Would you just insert something into the middle of a story about the Holocaust? You would never do that. Why are you doing it with visuals?”

“The ‘Judeo-Christian tradition’ is neither as religiously or politically coherent as it sounds. ‘Judeo-Christian’ fuses together distinct theologies; few elements of doctrine or belief are shared.”

“When done well, first-person narration can serve as a nod to the fact that each journalist works through a particular lens.”

“We all know how aggravating it is to see ourselves depicted in a way that’s just a little bit off—gender, race, religion. As an artist I’d like to cause that experience to others as little as possible.” —Julie Berry, author

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Follow @consciousstyleguide for examples of how context can support sensitive content, with a focus on YA books and kidlit.

A 3x3 grid of Conscious Style Guide's Instagram feed.

“When we define ourselves by our jobs, our worth depends on what we achieve.”

“With the new community standards, Microsoft is trying to set a clear line for when trash talk turns into harassment.”

“Wherever possible, non-gendered terms are now used, and when referring to a group of people, reporters write out both the female and male nouns, and include the feminine past participle in parentheses.”

 Colorism in High Fashion | The Pudding

“There are [Vogue] covers with black women and covers with dark-skinned women. But when we really look, it’s easy to see that the majority of the black women are light-skinned and the majority of dark-skinned women are actually a single person.”

Measuring attitude toward “welfare” and “assistance to the poor.”

“These terms are direct echoes of government and anti-immigrant extremist group language meant to imply that immigration is a form of ‘invasion.’”

“Don’t feel afraid to say the name of the person who died, to share your memories of that person, to create space for the survivor to share their own memories, to honor their loved one’s life.”

“The phrase ‘climate change’…sounds rather passive and gentle when what scientists are talking about is a catastrophe for humanity.” —Katharine Viner, editor-in-chief, The Guardian

From the Archives

 Capitalizing for Equality | Conscious Style Guide

“Both Poynter and Columbia Journalism Review have argued for capitalizing black and white when used as racial terms, for the sake of respect, equality, and typographical integrity.”

In Case You Missed It

Featuring articles on covering climate change and opioid addiction and a message from the founder of Conscious Style Guide.

Diversify Your Staff and Sources

Transparent white strip on top of blood-red background has EDITORS {OF COLOR} knocked out. Below, reads "Tools for Diversifying Your Staff and Sources," followed by

The Editors of Color Databasea project of Conscious Style Guide, is a free service that connects employers and recruiters with editors, proofreaders, and sensitivity readers of color in the U.S. and Canada. Also home to the Database of Diverse Databases, now with sixty resources!

The Conscious Style Guide newsletter rounds up the best news and blog posts from the world of kind, compassionate, mindful, empowering, respectful, and inclusive language. Note: Spotlighting an opinion is not intended as an endorsement. Please send news tips to [email protected].

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